Being a sensitive part of what makes up our body, our nerves need to be taken care of. Nerves are the pain receptors of our body and can easily be irritated, damaged, or compressed. Neuralgia is the term associated with a damaged nerve causing a severe burning or stabbing pain somewhere in the body. The causes for such pain are aging, disease, and infection.
If the pressure on the nerve is caused by a misalignment in the spine, the use of chiropractic care can benefit someone who is suffering from neuralgia. Chiropractic cannot cure severe cases of neuralgia caused by disease or infection, but if the neuralgia is caused by a misalignment in the spine, chiropractic care can benefit the client. Are you suffering from nerve pain and need relief? Our team at Wellness plus will do our best to provide you with phenomenal chiropractic care, so make an appointment today! Comments are closed.
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